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Fashion Week on the Plaza

Fashion Week moved to Lincoln Center in 2010. With the move, a spectacle began that was not possible at the previous location. The show was still inside the tent and required tickets. However, a secondary show was outside. Fashion Designers, models, the wannabes, fashion bloggers, buyers, photographers and anyone desiring to be looked at and photographed mingled outside. Many were more than willing to strike a pose.


Each year The New York Times photographer icon, Bill Cunningham, could be seen weaving in and out of this crowd with amazing grace and speed.  Celebrities passed through the spacious plaza followed by paparazzi, bodyguards and fans.


The collection depicts this outdoor show. Some pictures are posed portraits; others are scenes taken on the fly. Most of the photographs are from the Fall 2013 show. Previous years are also represented.


Fashion Week moved away from Lincoln Center the Fall of 2015.


The photographs shown are a selection of images drawn from the larger series. 

For more information on the projects or to preview the books, go to the BOOKS page. 


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